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2016 CBSS Summer School: “Cultural Memory of Europe: East and West.”

The Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) and the Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS) at Södertörn University, Stockholm, together with the Council of Baltic Sea States (CBSS), is pleased to announce a 2016 CBSS Summer School, “Cultural Memory of Europe: East and West.”

The summer school will take place on 15-23 June at Södertörn University. The course aims to enhance understanding of the impact of cultural memory on contemporary discourse in the Baltic Sea region. It will offer seminars on the history and nature of cultural memory as a scholarly field, and on the narratives of cultural memory in the region. This transdisciplinary phenomenon can be defined as “the interplay of past and present in socio-cultural contexts.” It aims to critically examine how the memory and the history of a certain place or space serve to form a cultural identity; or, indeed, how memory gives us an understanding of culture as such. In this course, we will offer students a wide variety of approaches to understanding the interplay between the geographical position of the region and its cultural memory. In particular, we will focus on the discourses of East and West as frames that have been instrumental for conceiving narratives of the region as a borderland.

We will look at the way that cultural, geographical and political maps and discourses that discerned and separated Eastern from Western Europe have affected not only the very history of the region, but also its understanding of the interrelation of past and present.

The summer school will feature an array of lecturers and keynote speakers from Södertörn University and other universities in the region. The course will also include leisure time activities, trips and guided tours.

The course is organized by Södertörn University’s Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES) and the Philosophy subject at the School of Culture and Education, in partnership with Lund University, University of Greifswald, University of Gdansk, University of Tartu, and Saint Petersburg University of Economics (UNECON). Södertörn’s course administrators are Tora Lane, Project Researcher at CBEES ( and Kazimierz Musial, Research Leader at CBEES (

Registration will begin on 22 February 2016. The course is open to master and doctoral students who are conducting their studies or research in the humanities or in the social sciences. More information about the summer school and registration procedures can be found at

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